Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Finding Out

It was Tuesday, January 3rd 2012 when it hit me..."Wait a minute, I should have gotten my period by now."  We had been trying for a few months, but we were told it would probably take a while because I had been on birth control since I was 14.  I had been charting and if my chart was correct, Evie as another Hanukkah miracle (My husband and both come from half jewish/half catholic homes).  So I called my good friend Sam freaking out with excitement as I drove to Walmart to get a pregnancy test.  I got a three pack of Clear Blue (says "pregnant" or "not pregnant") and I hurried home to take it.  Zach was working late.  The first test said, "pregnant" and I shrieked with joy.  I then waited anxiously for him to get home.  He was a bit grumpy from a long night of holding a camera all night so I was cautious about presenting the good news.  After helping him relax a bit, I showed him the test and he was speechless.  It took him a few minutes to realize it was for real, then we took another test together and got another "pregnant".  We called our families and got an interesting mix of responses, but they were all happy.  Then on the 10th of January (my brother's 26th birthday)  we broke down and started telling others.  We were just too excited to keep it in.  I know they usually say it's best to wait, but I figured, if things went wrong, I would want people to love and support me around me without having to explain everything.  

January 12th (my mother's birthday) we went to Capital Women's Care in Germantown to have it confirmed and at 2:15pm on the 13th they called back to inform us that it was official.  Our due date based on my charting was September 12th It was super exciting because Zach's brother, Rob was due in May and my cousin, Micah, was due 1 month before us in August.  

Then we began the long wait till we got to hear the heartbeat.  Okay, it was just a little over a week, but it felt forever.  More on that soon, Evie just woke up.

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